Saturday, March 31, 2012

A long road...

Not gonna lie... I've always had a tri on my bucket list because I thought it would be something I could do- halfway well.  I'm not a swimmer, I'm not cyclist, and I'm not a runner... but I'm average at all three. 

Or so I thought.

I know how to swim- but honestly- I crap out after a lap.  I thought for sure this would be my weakest link. 

And then I biked yesterday.  I'm scared I won't be able to swim 400 yards, but I'm now really scared I could take last in the bike portion of my tri.  I looked up the slowest bike time in last years tri- and according to my 3 mile split yesterday- I'd be slower than that time.  Yikes!

How hard can riding 12 miles be?  Anyone can ride a bike... or so I thought.  Yesterday I went out for an easy six mile ride and decided to time myself on the way back... 3 miles in 18:36.  Not good. Some  people run faster than that!

Now granted, I was riding an ancient- and I do mean ancient bike- so ancient that I was afraid to lift my butt off the seat ancient.  How do I know this?  Well, when my brother was in 3rd grade, our family set out for our annual trip to the beach.  Halfway to the Outer Banks- somewhere close to Williamsburg, my cousin's truck went off the road.  My brother, Todd, was riding with him- and long story short- a horrible car accident occurred- I mean horrible.  We happened to be driving with Cb's- since none of us had cell phones back then- Yes, I'm dating myself.  When my uncle said he thought he saw their truck go off the road, we all panicked... and my dad radioed the police.  The police said there was a boy on the side of the road- but only one person was in the accident- My brother was missing.  Long story short, he was stuck in the truck, they had to use the jaws of life to free him, and he ended up in a complete body cast for months.  Our family room was turned into room with a hospital bed where he was home schooled...

There was one good thing that came out of this accident.  The truck that crashed was full of our entire family's bikes and beach stuff.  The bikes were totaled, and when the insurance money came in- my parents took us to the bike store in Leesburg and told us to order whatever bike we wanted. So long Toys-R-Us rides!  I remember my custom canary yellow top-of-the line Schwinn like it was yesterday.  Unfortunately , I thought it needed to go to college with me- and then left it there over a summer and it was ganked.  So, if you're still with me... all this leads me to the fact that the bike I was riding yesterday was my dad's bike he got after the accident- when my brother was in 3rd grade... and he's now approaching 32.  I seriously thought the tires might burst from dry rot.

And all of that was me trying to make myself feel better about my 18:36...

Let's just say there's need for improvement. Ha!  And I need a bike... Any recommendations on what kind or where to buy it?  I'm clueless!

But I can tell I'll be learning every day.  Yesterday I learned that despite my huge buck teeth that it's very important to keep your mouth shut when riding a bike.  Bugs taste nasty.  And let's be honest- I don't want the calories!

3 miles are on the calendar today... and then I start following the app on Monday.  Here we go!

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