When I got married I weighed 135. I will never weigh that again- I'm realistic. When I started trying for babies, I was around 145-150... and I'd love to be there again. Here I am seven months preggo with Chris... I remember taking this picture and pushing out with all my might so I'd have a belly. Those were the days...

Awww... and a little love on the beach before we had kids... We didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. The day I left for the hospital to deliver Chris, I weighed 179.

And here I am seven months preggo on a trip down the coast of Cali. I loved my preggo belly... can ya tell?:)
And again, three days before I had Addison- swollen, high blood pressure, and on bed rest. You can tell how well I followed doctor's orders- I couldn't miss the family softball game. Oh, Christopher, how I love you booger.:)

The day I gave birth to Addison, my belly was humungo, but I weighed 179- the exact number to the pound as when I gave birth to Topher.
Fast forward to the day after girl's weekend. Now granted, I had been on a five day bender downing drinks, croissants with pimento cheese, and Sister Schubert's rolls- those Southerners do it up right will full on spreads for every meal... and it showed. When I got home, I stepped on the scale and about passed out. 180.2. With no baby in my belly. Holy fartballs.
This weekend I was at:
And this morning I was at 175.2.
So the truth is... there's no hiding it. I have 30 big ole' lb's to lose. And my goal is 25 by Christmas.
Let's do this!
I'm right there with ya! we can do this, right??!