Sunday, June 12, 2011

Direct Sales...

I'm that girl... that girl that you want at your party because I'm a sucker. Not only will I buy product, but I'll also be that easy target and if the consultant mentions a start-up deal to me, I'll be your next home show saleswoman and start a new business venture. Don't you worry- I bet I help earn you an extra half price item. I know, because I've done it like ten times.

Let's see... I've sold Mary Kay (multiple times), Willow House, Thirty-One, Premier Designs Jewelry, Arbonne... the list keeps going. And from them- I've pretty much earned a lot of starter kits, wasted a shit ton of marketing materials, and earned nothing. I've probably even lost money because I tend to give away my discount and not factor in shipping charges, taxes, etc... and end up owing money. It's great.

So, when it was time to write for the summer issue of I Am Modern, I had this master plan to do an amazing piece of journalism. I was so pumped up and got all "Seven on Your Side"-ish and thought I was going to win an award or something for my investigative reporting. Ha!

My premise was that these direct selling companies "prey" on stay-at-home moms, steal our money, and are a scam. I planned on writing how they promise huge rewards and most women get nothing out of it. At first- when I was reading statistics, it was backing up my wonderful thesis. But then, I met some individuals that work for these companies and I found so many consistent traits... and not one of them included negativity. These women are proud of what they do, enjoy it, and are excited to spread the opportunity. And most of all- they believe in their product and are sincere.

From that moment on, my story direction changed and these women taught me so many things.

Amanda Gauldin, a local Arbonne consultant, even sent me samples in the mail.... and one again she proved my theory wrong because she's a cute, young girl that's not a mom.:) She included so many great products for me to try- the spa detox line, appetite control fizzies (hmmmm, I wonder why I received those), and even yummy protein shake powder. And after I tried all of these products- I realized why I get suckered in all the time- because these women that sell these products sell them because they rock!:)

My premise was even more blown away after interviewing a local woman that DOES drive a fabulous Mercedes she earned from her sales. I learned another lady is leaving Monday for a cruise that was paid for by Willow House. And then, My local Mary Kay consultant, Erin Voorheis, let me know how she loves what she does and she's able to earn $100 a week to put towards family activities- teaching me loud and clear that success is what YOU make of it. Things don't have to be all or nothing. You don't have to be the next Regional Vice President to be considered success.

After meeting these amazing women, I penned a completely different story for the summer issue:

It's not so much the award-winning whistle blower that I had intended to write, but that's life.:)

I started thinking about things... and eventhough I signed up to sell products for all of these different companies, I only had two parties and never pursued any of it. I not once tried to network, train, recruit,... Nothing. Nada. I never once followed the business plan given to me or attended local meetings for support. Maybe- it is me that should be the statistic.:)

Now looking at things, it's more apparent than ever that my problem has always been follow through. You can have a diet plan, workout plan, and know what you need to do- but if you don't put in the effort, you won't see results.

LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT.:) So for now, I'm headed out to my happy place to enjoy the pool with my family. Don't ya know that diets should always start on a Monday?:)

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