Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A fresh start...

Well, well, well, our plans changed over the weekend. We had big plans for my in-laws to make the drive up here, but we decided to drive down to their place so we could go furniture shopping... and because my mother-in-law is the hostess with the mostest, and I hadn't baked or cooked one thing.:) I woke up and took the 9am kickboxing class on Saturday, and then we ventured four hours to Smith Mountain Lake. We managed to return for the 4pm kickboxing class on Monday- so it was a quick, quick trip! It was definitely successful though... I managed to come home with the most beautiful leopard print chair that my hubby HATES... I'm working on him though and trying to pass off leopard print as a neutral. I also got a gorgeous Paula Deen kitchen table that is probably way too big for my kitchen-but I fell in lurve, big girl furniture and mattress set for our two year old, and a console thingie for our family room. I know what my hubby has planned though since we don't have a TV to set on or hang above a console... I sense a trip to Best Buy in the next few days. I know it's bad to gloat... but I've had the same $250 Room Store kitchen table since we got married almost ten years ago! Thank God for tax refunds.:) Oh, and if you need new furniture, it's worth the trip down south... The local furniture stores wouldn't even price match (even though they say they do).

Anyhoo... when we got to the lake I had big plans of staying strict with my diet and my darling mother-in-law was so sweet and catered to my needs...

She cooked nutrition approved meals for me... a healthy spinach, egg, and garlic dish (ignore the side of bread... at least it was whole wheat),

Homemade shrimp and chicken jambalaya...

But unfortunately, she cooked for everyone else's dietary needs as well. But can I blame her? Oh, and I can guarantee that a plate... or two of this went down the hatch. It was Christmas guys!?!

My shin has started to hurt... I haven't been one with the bag lately...

And my knee is still black and blue... but it's much to fun to quit!

So, after thoroughly enjoying myself at at least four family functions... and by enjoying myself, I mean eating bad:(... I weighed in this morning. I was shocked...

The scale read 165.4!!! I didn't gain any weight over the holidays... Now that's a first! I'm going to credit it to working out and pray that at some point in my life I can still eat like a pig as long as I'm working out and maintain... But for now, it's time to get serious about my eating so I can lose the weight!

Don't stop believing... I'm going to do this. My brother has placed bets against me, but I'm going to make him eat his words. In class yesterday, I saw a family friend, Kelly P.. I think I may have said I'm related to her to the manager... but that's just how my family is... we're all related to everybody.:) She has been doing LA Boxing for two years... and she has such a good body... tight little butt, thin, cute figure... O.k. Kell, that sounds like I was checking you out a little too close... but I'm just sayin.' That will be me one day.:) Nutrition meeting at 3:30 with Justin... and class at 4... Anyone wanna join me?

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