Saturday, March 13, 2010

Haterade Look at her butt. It is soooo big.

Girls can be so hateful and judgmental. Luckily for me, throughout this process I have been overwhelmed with support. I've felt the love from friends, family, LA Boxing, and and can't tell you enough how much I appreciate it. I credit much of what I have done to you... Before this experience, every attempt I had at losing weight lasted three days max. What started out as a teeny tiny blog with two followers has turned into something more.

I am fully aware that I have bared my soul to all of you. When I step away from the computer, I never think twice about what I have written. I realize that I may sound like a crazy lady, but I really feel that if you take the time to read this blog, you are a supporter. You are rooting for me to lose weight, and you want to see me do well. If not, then why would you even be reading?

This week we will be gearing up for the Fitbloggin' conference in Maryland. It's a big week... talk about life changes. Let's see, I celebrate my birthday, close on our house, move my family, and have a full out photo shoot for progress pictures.

Speaking of progress pictures, I will be posting them this week! I'm not going to refer to them as after pictures because you will see that I still have some work to do... I guess I was a six month transformation girl, and it's only been three.:) With that being said, I'm super excited to share with you my changes. I'll continue to open up to you and I'm even going to share some pictures and things that I would normally never put out there. But ya know what, without ever having met some of you, I feel like I have friends in you. Granted, if I saw you in public, I'd run and hide- and maybe die of embarrassment... but it's all good.

I've struggled with what I'm doing because who wants horrible pictures of them floating around on the internet? Not me! I wouldn't even answer the door for my UPS man looking like I do in some of these pictures (although my UPS man is quite hunkalicious). But, a deal is a deal, and if I have to show you my before picture, I'm going to go for it. Pretty much anyone will have access to pictures of me at my worst. That's a pretty scary thought. I'll just remember what mama says... If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. And if you do, I wear my heart on my sleeve and will cry. I wouldn't be able to say it to your face, but my alter ego bloggin' persona will tell you- You can kiss my butt. No, make that my shrinking butt.

Sticks and stones, baby. Sticks and stones.:)

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