Sunday, March 7, 2010

This little light of mine...

If you read this blog, you know I'm not a deeper than thou person... I'm a little off the cuff and this blog is certainly light-hearted. But today is Sunday- and it's a day to be thankful.

Over the past few months, I have been changing physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm not one to judge, and to each their own, but I am a Christian, a believer, and a child of God. I grew up going to church, but over the past ten years we haven't been active in a church family. We have gone on holidays and extremely sporadically until this past year. Having children has made my hubby and I want to grow in faith and raise our children in a faith-based home. The kids love church... Although they are most excited to go "so they can get cookies", I can tell you that my daughter was so excited that she "made Jesus today." Ha! Her picture was quite fabulous- Some girls are just born with glitter running through their veins.:)

With that being said, somewhere between watching the Love Dare- as cheesy as it was, Kirk Cameron still has it- and coming into contact with some very inspiring women at Smith Mountain Lake, my hubby and I set out to find a church. We are finally able to say we have a home church and we love it! Church takes on a whole different meaning when you enjoy it, look forward to it, and want to miss out on sleeping in to attend!

Some Sundays, depending on our schedule, I have to choose between an LA Boxing class and worshiping at Arcola United Methodist Church with my family. Although a class at LA Boxing can be compared to church... it's full of fellowship, people aiming to attain a certain goal, and you always walk away with a positive message, today church with my family won out.

I am a sinner... in more ways than one. I won't try to get all preachy, preachy here because I'm definitely not the person qualified to do that. Eventhough I was raised in church, I secretly find myself reading children's bible books to my kids so I can understand and learn the bible better.:) Today, the sermon really hit home. A sin is something that falls short of standards. Gluttony is a sin, and as the Pastor was going through a list of sins- she rattled off overeating! Oh my goodness, she's right. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Um, helloooo! That is so true! At times, overeating makes me feel ashamed, upset, and like I have sinned. The light bulb went off- I had never thought of it that way.

My walk with Christ and my walk in faith is a journey in itself, and I have so much to learn, but today, I am able to share with you a prayer...

Dear Lord,

I have too many sins to list, and through it all, you love me for me. While I'm shrinking physically, I am excited about my growth spiritually. Thank you for leading the way and thank you for bringing such positive people into my life. I firmly believe that you have shown me that if you surround yourself with positive people and thoughts, you can't help but become a more positive person. Now, if we can just get to work on the rest of me. Heavenly Father, I look to you for guidance... whether it be with overeating or coveting the girl's body next to me when in a class at LA Boxing, I know that I am a work in progress. And I thank you for loving me, flaws and all.


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