Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summertime... Sweet Summertime

I was minding my own yesterday on my little Precor machine at the gym when I accidentally busted a move and got a huge smile on my face. It was fine until I realized the man fixing the machine in front of me looked at little scared.

I just couldn't help myself... I was listening to a Justin Bieber song- I admit I've caught the Bieber Fever, and the video showed scenes from summertime. At one point, it showed a roller coaster and it just made me laugh at how much my life has changed. I started reminiscing about crazy summers over the years.

Gone are the days where we would count down the days until our youth group trip to Kings Dominion. Sometimes I think "youth group" was a big ole' code word for hookin' up fun. But it's all good. Looking back, we really did have awesome counselors that don't know how much of an effect they had on our lives.

I remember riding the Rebel Yell five times in a row and then secretly plotting with my best friend about how to make sure I could sit beside Aaron Hall on the Haunted Mansion. Afterall, it was dark for all of thirty seconds. Too bad he could have cared less.

We used to think we were hot stuff when we could stay out until the street lights came on or when we went pool hopping and didn't get caught. My friends and I actually looked forward to swimsuit shopping and showing off our bikinis at the pool. People probably thought we were homeless because we would walk around the neighborhood looking like a posse just looking for something to do.

Flash forward to now... I can't wait to visit an amusement park and my only thoughts are if I have enough sunscreen and that I can't wait to watch my children's faces when they see a character for the first time. A good night is when I make it into bed before the lights come on, and I detest looking for a bathing suit. I'd rather spend my time looking for a cute cover-up that doesn't scream, "I'm wearing a cover-up because I hate the way I look in a swimsuit!" And to top things off, I curse those teens that are loitering at Harris Teeter. Really? I mean- Get a life.

Summertime is officially here. There's something about summer that puts a spring in my step and a smile on my face. My life may not be the crazy roller coaster that it once was, but I'm getting a bigger thrill from the little things.

Now, if I can just get the roller coaster on the scale to come to a halt things would be great. And $5 goes to any young guy that catcalls me. Come on, make me feel like I still have it. I beg you.:)

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