Friday, August 27, 2010

Do You?

Do you know how it feels to be completely happy and content in life, but to have thoughts run through your head all the time about how much happier you'd be if you could just lose weight?

I do.

Do you ever get sick of starting out your day with a nutritious breakfast just to fall off the wagon by lunch and binge the rest of the day because you are mad at yourself?

I do.

Do you catch yourself buying magazine after magazine just to read the success stories and see what the new diet fads are... but never follow the advice?

I do.

Do you ever just want to actually stick to eating healthy and working out instead of forever "starting tomorrow?"

I do.

Do you ever catch yourself looking at a cute outfit at the mall and then telling yourself that you'll start dressing trendy and take better care of yourself when you lose twenty pounds?

I do.

Do you ever look in your closet and realize that you really should stop complaining about not having anything to wear because you have a closet full of cute things... if you could fit into them?

I do.

Do you ever feel like everyone around you can pull it together and lose weight, but you are just a loser... and not when it comes to the scale?

I do.

Do you ever ever get so frustrated with yourself because you are so calorie conscious and read every label, but you aren't conscious enough to stop shoveling the bad foods in your mouth?

I do.

Do you ever feel like you're an emotional eater that is out of control? Do you ever catch a hot buttered roll actually getting you all hot and bothered?

I do.

Do you ever get sick of having a bucket list that revolves around when you lose weight?

I do.

Do you ever dodge someone purposely because you don't want them to see that you've let yourself go or gained weight?

I do.

Do you think you could go on and on about how much your weight bothers you and affects you?

I do.

Do you know how fabulous you feel when you work hard and see results... How proud you are, how you have a spring in your step and a better attitude?

I do. And I will. Because I know, I CAN.

Tme to snap out of it, Shell. LA Boxing tomorrow. I'm back at it.:)

1 comment:

  1. i have written this same post over and over. It's so frustrating, isn't it?
    let me know when you are free to hang out in person! :)
