Sunday, January 10, 2016

Day 1...

Apparently I suck at this weight loss thing.  If you had told me that I would one day struggle with my weight I never would have believed you.

I was always a stick. I could eat whatever I wanted.  And this freaking sucks. A big one.

I go through phases where I'm so angry I let my weight balloon this high. I get mad, sad, and everything in between.  And I'm ready to end it right now.  Unfortunately, as my coach pointed out, it's not going to happen overnight but it will happen... if I put forth the effort and try.

F me.

So here goes the beginning of the boring blog posts.  I'm going to plan out one day ahead what I'm eating and my workout for the following day.  Creative writing will be sparse... but I need to have accountability. If you see me slacking with posts, then you know I'm shoving donuts and soda down my mouth. Friday weigh-ins.  And if you have advice or motivation, I NEED to hear it.:)


Breakfast- Almond milk, banana, chocolate Shakeology

Lunch- Green salad, cucumber, onion, side of chicken breast with curry powder, 1tsp mayo, raisons

Dinner- Chili- one serving, fat free sour cream

Snack- Apple

Workout- Day 1 t25, Run/Walk (mostly walk) 3 miles.

Each night I'll write how I did and then write my plan for the next day. 

Goal by my birthday 173 (March 14)

Ultimate goal 145 and feeling like myself again.

Come on, Shaun T, do your thang!

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